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Impact and Fulfillment with Coach Mike D

Use this resource to jumpstart your enthusiasm while Maximizing your Impact and Optimizing your Fulfillment in Life!

Be Blessed, Well and Wise!

Sep 25, 2017

Today's Episode is Brought to you by the Dynamic Apparel Line BLACK FAMILY APPAREL  Check out the site and grab some dope apparel that celebrates the various nuances of the Black Family!  We gotta do our part to Re-write the Narrative.

Fellas, Today's episode simply poses the question, "What...

Sep 11, 2017

Today's Quick Episode is a shout out to all the Folks around the World who are dealing with a current or recent Natural Disaster.  Also on this episode, I highlight an example of a Brother who did his part in a Major way and led an effort to round up supplies for those in need in the Houston Area.  The key fact to...