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Impact and Fulfillment with Coach Mike D

Use this resource to jumpstart your enthusiasm while Maximizing your Impact and Optimizing your Fulfillment in Life!

Be Blessed, Well and Wise!

Sep 5, 2022

Episode 286 of Black Fathers, NOW! Podcast will challenge you to take an inventory of your life and evaluate whether you have Temporary Fixes in the Place of Permanent Solutions. Take action on what you discover...Peace and Blessings


Apple Podcasts:

May 21, 2018


This Episode's Guest is Comedian, Producer, Father and my frat brother (Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc) Doug Williams. 

Doug has an AMAZING Story!  We walk through his journey all the way from Montgomery Alabama to Hollywood California.  We dive into how a night in a Huntsville Alabama...

Apr 2, 2018

Today's Episode is brought to you by Visit BlackFamilyApparel and grab some dope apparel that celebrates the nuances of the Black Family!

This Quick Episode asks the simple Question; What Messages are YOU sending?  I use a reference from the Movie "Pootie Tang" to drive the point home. 


Jan 22, 2018

Today's Episode is brought to you by  Visit Black Family Apparel to grab some Awesome apparel that celebrates the Black Family!

Today's Guest is the Author of "The Power of Change: Will to Heal the Land" Kwabena "Beno" Miller.  Grab a copy of his book via Amazon: