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Impact and Fulfillment with Coach Mike D

Use this resource to jumpstart your enthusiasm while Maximizing your Impact and Optimizing your Fulfillment in Life!

Be Blessed, Well and Wise!

Aug 28, 2023

Episode 337 dives into the importance of how you process and handle loss. Make sure to share your takeaways. Enjoy!!!! Peace and Blessings.


Apple Podcasts:


Aug 21, 2023

Episode 336 will challenge "HOW" you present things. Do you focus on what you want to happen, or do you have a tendency to focus on what you do NOT want to happen? It's all a matter of perspective. Take a quick listen.


Apple Podcasts:

Aug 14, 2023

Episode 335 of "Impact and Fulfillment w/ Coach Mike D" makes the suggestion that YOU should either turn the volume down or Get out! When the volume is too loud, you're unable to stay focused on the task at hand. Lets GO!!!


Apple Podcasts:

Aug 7, 2023

Episode 334 is a quick message that will encourage you as you deal with the challenges of everyday life. Enjoy the Process!!!

Learn Something and Share what you learned.


Apple Podcasts: