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Impact and Fulfillment with Coach Mike D

Use this resource to jumpstart your enthusiasm while Maximizing your Impact and Optimizing your Fulfillment in Life!

Be Blessed, Well and Wise!

Aug 21, 2017

Today's Episode is Brought to you by

The Brand that Celebrates the Black Family!


Today's Guest is Augusta, Ga native and Atlanta, Ga resident Levon Rhone.  Levon is the Founder and President of the Nationally recognized 501c3 The Frank Honest Co.  Take a listen as we walk through his journey and learn how a brother got inspired to learn how to Knit and Crochet. We also dive into how he ultimately turned this passion into an organization that now supplies people in need with warm clothing and accessories.  His story is very inspiring!  Make sure to connect with Levon: and following him via Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter @FrankHonestCo

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Be Blessed, Well and Wise!
