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Impact and Fulfillment with Coach Mike D

Use this resource to jumpstart your enthusiasm while Maximizing your Impact and Optimizing your Fulfillment in Life!

Be Blessed, Well and Wise!

May 28, 2018


Grab some dope gear to celebrate the Black Family!

Today's Quick Episode Dives into the concept of "Knowing Yourself".  This is a Quick Listen!  make sure to share with friends and family.  Also, PLEASE visit Apple podcast, stitcher or Google Play and give us a great rating!!!! ...

May 21, 2018


This Episode's Guest is Comedian, Producer, Father and my frat brother (Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc) Doug Williams. 

Doug has an AMAZING Story!  We walk through his journey all the way from Montgomery Alabama to Hollywood California.  We dive into how a night in a Huntsville Alabama...

May 14, 2018


Today's Quick Episode references a Powerful line from Lauryn Hill's Album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill from 20yrs ago.  "How You Gonna Win if You Aint Right Within?"  Thats the Question!!! Tune in and leave your thoughts.  Please visit and follow...

May 7, 2018


visit Black Family Apparel for dope apparel that celebrates the Black Family!

This Episode is Blessed with the presence of Daron K. Roberts

Daron is a husband and Father of 5, has 2 Degrees from Harvard, is a Former NFL and Major FBS College Football Coach,...