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Impact and Fulfillment with Coach Mike D

Use this resource to jumpstart your enthusiasm while Maximizing your Impact and Optimizing your Fulfillment in Life!

Be Blessed, Well and Wise!

Mar 27, 2023

Episode 315 of Impact & Fulfillment w/ Coach Mike D is a quick episode that encourages YOU to set goals like a Wise Man. Enjoy, Comment and share with someone who could benefit from this wisdom...


Apple Podcasts:

Mar 20, 2023

Episode 314 is a great conversation with meteorologist David "Captain Accurate" Aldrich. David and I were on set acting together on a recent TV show and I was fascinated by his enthusiasm about all things weather. His energy is contagious. Check out from David by visiting

Mar 13, 2023

Episode 313 of Impact & Fulfillment is a powerful story that will encourage YOU to push your limits and pursue the seemingly impossible. Barry Linson is a 53yr old father and former College football player who recently broke and then set a new World Record for number of Push-Ups done in a year!...

Mar 6, 2023

Episode 312 of Impact and Fulfillment is a quick reminder of how the Culture you Embrace has an affect on YOU. In life we talk a lot about race, politics, finance, relationships, religion/faith, etc...but the Culture that you embrace colors how you view ALL of it. Therefore, your cultural...