Dec 22, 2022
Episode 302 of "Impact and Fulfillment w/ Coach Mike D" is a quick message to give you permission to use the tools available to amplify your message. There are some of us, me included that at times struggles with using various tools, tips and tricks to best amplify my message for maximum...
Dec 19, 2022
Episode 301 is the First Official Podcast episode under the new name, "Impact & Fulfillment w/ Coach Mike D." This quick chat will give you a little background on the name change and a window into what to expect going forward. Please excuse my voice as I was still getting over not feeling well...
Dec 12, 2022
This is without a doubt the most POWERFUL Interview that I've ever done! This is a conversation with my father. We have had a complex relationship where lots of growth and healing has had to take place; and its a journey. But, I'm super grateful to come full circle and openly share this journey...
Dec 5, 2022
Episode 299 of Black Fathers, NOW! podcast is a quick reminder of our NEED for a place of Refuge. We present as strong and resilient to the world...but at times we need spaces to heal, get well and recharge. Take a Quick Listen. Please subscribe!!!! Also, this Podcast will be rebranded with a new name early...
Nov 28, 2022
Episode 298 is a quick reminder for YOU to prioritize Relationsihps this Holiday season. Please take this message SERIOUSLY...Share with others!!!
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